2 febbraio 2012

SVE in Danimarca nel campo dell'insegnamento

Un'interessante progetto SVE in Danimarca nel campo dell'educazione e dell'insegnamento (ma non solo). Le selezioni dei volontari avvengono 2 volte l'anno. Prossima scandenza per la presentazione delle domande: 1 Agosto 2012.

Il volontario deve parlare Inglese ad un livello buono, dato che questa è la lingua di lavoro.

Profile of the volunteer.
  • You are open-minded, flexible and motivated to do something good for others.
  • You are interested in helping children and young people with special needs and from various backgrounds.
  • You are eager to learn and gain experiences in new and unfamiliar work situations.
  • There are no specific academic requirements, but you are expected to be a person with a surplus andto have an interest in our students and be ready to work with children and young people with special needs.
  • You need to be able to communicate in English since this is the working language in the program.
  • To start the program you should be 18 years or older.
The project.

“The Small Schools” in Denmark is a number of school centres, with a unique concept, taking care of and educating children and adults with special needs.

The school centres comprises of care homes for children and teenagers, who cannot live at home, and a school, which offer a basic school education together with a number of practical and creative skills like cooking, art and music, theater, nature life, travel. We find it important to provide our student with an international and humanitarian outlook. The Small Schools also work together at several eventslike concerts, sports events, building weekends and theater competition.

The 3 Small Schools in Juelsminde, Nakkeboelle and Bogense are training Development Instructors to take actions, combining studies about our world today with volunteer training, experiences and actions in the school centre

Tasks of the volunteer (these are only exaples, it depends on the volunteer background).
  • Be assistant teacher in a class with students who need extra help.
  • Working in the care home as practical help and mobilizing the students to take responsibility and be active in their leisure time.
  • Teaching English (or German) to a group of children.
  • Make program with a student who needs to have special attention.
  • Prepare and participate the school trips.
  • Teach the special subjects like theater, painting, sport, climbing, horse riding, mechanic, etc.
  • Make and implement weekend program with the children at one of the Care homes.
  • Take care of the network/computers at the school.
  • Doing maintenance, taking care of the outdoor areas, cleaning and cooking.
  • Organizing health campaigns.
  • Driving the school bus and organizing trips outside the school.
  • Make environmental projects.
  • Doing gardening, farming, etc.
When to apply.
The program starts twice a year. Deadlines: 1st of August 2012 and 1st of February 2013.

Per maggiori informazioni potete contattare DNYS Bogense ai seguenti indirizzi e-mail:

1 commenti:

Anonimo ha detto...

Interessante, ma siete sicuri che sia SVE? Non ho trovato questo progetto nel database europeo!


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