6 febbraio 2012

SVE in Finlandia sul tema dello sviluppo delle comunità rurali

L'ecovillaggio di Livonsaari, in Finlandia, cerca volontari per un progetto SVE sul tema dello sviluppo delle comunità rurali. Necessaria conoscenza base dell'Inglese.

The project.

Livonsaaren yhteisökylä (Livonsaari community) is a small ecovillage and community in the South-West of Finland. It's located in Naantali area, about 40 km from the city of Turku. Livonsaari community was established in 2005, when a group of people bought an old pig farm, and expressed interest in creating a sustainable ecological community on the land. We have a communal vegetable garden, and our goal is to get a bigger part of our food from our own land. There are egg-laying chickens, sheep, honey-bees and horses (that we use for riding and for work).

Profile of the volunteer.

We believe Livonsaari community would be an excellent place for volunteers, because there are so many diverse job opportunities within the community. Thus the work can be arranged according to the interest of the volunteers, as well as bringing some extra hands to the community to work in gardening, building and maintenance activities.

Livonsaari community has been a meeting place for different types of people. We have many visitors mostly during the summer time, and we have also international contacts. We feel that EVS volunteers could well fit into our mixed palette of people and make it even richer.

The volunteers will live in the communal house of Livonsaari community. They will have a room to share, and there are normal, basic facilities available in the house: laundry room, kitchen, bathroom, sauna and wireless internet.

Per candidarsi bisogna inviare CV e Lettera motivazionale in Inglese all'indirizzo e-mail dell'organizzazione ospitante: info@yhteisokyla.net . Maggiori informazioni sulla pagina Facebook dell'ecovillaggio.

Dettagli sull'organizzazione:
Livonsaaren yhteisökylä oy
Pohjanpääntie 67

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